Be Honest, especially with yourselves, Ladies.
Do you say shit about yourselves that you would go to jail for if someone else said it about your Friend, or better yet, your Daughter?
If you do, stop it! Right Now!
If you’re a Mom, or a Guardian, you’re teaching that child how to view themselves, and talk to themselves, whether you intended to or not. You’re ‘normalizing’ a negative self-image, and it doesn’t matter what you tell them: More is Caught than Taught.
If you’re Single, or Divorced, or just putting yourself together after a bad break-up, you’re inviting a massive amount of negative energy into your Life, and you shouldn’t be surprised when that’s exactly what shows up in your Future.
When you talk down to yourself, when you disrespect yourself, when you dis-empower yourself, you teach the World how to Treat You, and the World responds accordingly.
You want Love? Love yourself. You want Power, and Control? Empower yourself.
No one does this for us, Ladies, and how we talk about ourselves shapes our Beliefs about Who We Are.